Parques do Canadá
Mundo Sustentável

Parques do Canadá

Sustainable Development Strategy 2007 - 2009

Parks Canada Agency2007-2009 Sustainable Development Strategy

There are six long-term federal sustainable development goals. Although Parks Canada certainly contributes to the federal government’s overall performance vis-à-vis environmental quality and sustainable development, it is often difficult to make a direct one-to-one link between a Parks Canada strategy or action and a government long-term goal. In other cases, a strategy or action may contribute to more than one of the six long-term goals. The 2007-2009 SDS is presented in a “best-fit” manner, which outlines where the strategy or action is most appropriately listed.

Goal 1: Clean and secure water for people, marine and freshwater ecosystems

Objective 1.1: people have access to clean water
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Commitment
Agency Performance Measures
1.1.2 Drinking water quality and wastewater management are improved, e.g., on federal lands.Provide responsible environmental stewardship, heritage conservation, and efficient and affordable administration to the five national park townsites administered by Parks Canada.
Encourage the communities of Banff and Jasper to develop monitoring programs and reporting protocols similar to those in Parks- administered communities.
Meet targets for sewage effluent quality, water conservation, solid waste diversion, management of contaminated sites, and legislated limits to growth.
Objective 1.2: People use water efficiently
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
1.2.1 Water efficiency and sustainable water use is improvedMaintain condition of waterways (canal systems) with regard to water control functions; meet water level obligations.Develop an inventory of water control obligations, targets and protocols for measuring compliance by March 2007.
Objective 1.3: Conserve and protect aquatic ecosystems (marine and freshwater) and biodiversity
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
1.3.1 Marine and freshwater resources are protected and continue to support ecosystems and biodiversityThrough its establishment programs, Parks Canada plays a role in protecting watersheds and aquatic ecosystems.
Parks Canada will create national parks and national marine conservation areas in unrepresented regions.
It will complete or expand some existing parks.
Parks Canada will develop standards and guidelines for water quality in protected heritage areas in respect of waters receiving discharges from park and adjacent facilities.
Parks Canada will implement a framework for minimizing the environmental impacts of through highways, including the impacts to aquatic environments
National Parks: increase the number of represented terrestrial regions from 25 in March 2003 to 34 of 39 by March 2008; increase the number of represented marine regions from two in March 2003 to eight of 29 by March 2008.
Expand three national parks by March 2008 and increase the targeted land holdings in three unfinished national parks.
Receiving water quality guidelines for protected heritage areas will be developed and approved by March 2009.
A reduction from baseline levels of water pollution from highway runoff related to road salt use in ecologically sensitive roadside aquatic environments.
1.3.2 Knowledge of water resources is increasedParks Canada will conduct ecological monitoring and reporting on the state of aquatic ecosystems in national parks and national marine conservation areasDevelop fully functioning ecological integrity monitoring and reporting systems for all national parks by March 2008
Selected indicators and protocols for measuring ecological sustainability in national marine conservation areas to be developed by March 2009.
Aspects of the state of ecological integrity in each of Canada’s 42 national parks improved by March 2014.
Ecological restoration guidelines developed.

Goal 3: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Objective 3.3: Mitigate and reduce emissions that contribute to climate change
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
3.3.1 Emissions are reduced.Introduce an Agency green building policy, further improve the energy efficiency of buildings, increase the use of renewable energy and increase employee awareness.
The total annual Agency output levels of greenhouse gasses (GHG) will be below the 2010 target of 53.4 kilotonnes .
Reduce by 15% from 2002/2003 levels, GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre from the departmental fleet.
All fuel (gasoline) purchased for federal vehicles will be ethanol blended, where available.
The Agency will direct review of procedures and application on handling, storage and disposal of PCBs and halocarbons.
Petroleum storage tank installations will be registered and non-compliant tanks mitigated.
Parks Canada will report annually the percent reduction in GHG emissions across the department’s building inventory.
Annual average GHG emissions per vehicle kilometre.
Percentage of gasoline purchased that is ethanol blended.
The Agency will be in full compliance with federal requirements by March 31, 2007.
Full compliance with federal requirements; management prescribed in federal registration and technical requirements.

Goal 4: Sustainable communities – communities enjoy a prosperous economy, a vibrant and equitable society, and a healthy environment for current and future generations

Objective 4.1: Maintain and foster social well-being within communities
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
4.1.1 Communities are well positioned to advance social developmentDesignate and commemorate places, persons and events of national historic significance, particularly in under-represented priority areas.
Designate other heritage places (Historic Places Initiative; programs related to federal heritage buildings, heritage rivers, railway stations, prime minister’s gravesites and World Heritage Sites).
For those park communities that it administers, Parks Canada will produce State of the Community Reports that include among other things, discussion related to the social health of the community.
Designate, on average, 24 new places, persons and events per year, of which, on average, 33 % relate to at least one of the under-represented priority areas- Aboriginal history, ethno-cultural communities history and women’s history.
Submit 100 % of federal records regarding heritage designations to the Canadian Register on Historic Places by March 2008.
List 10,000 designated historic places on the Register by March 2009, and 17,500 by 2014.
Advise on the preparation of one World Heritage Site nomination per year.
Objective 4.2: Encourage vibrant, competitive local economies
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
4.2.1 Communities are well- positioned to adapt and to maintain or generate sustainable economic activitiesParks Canada is the federal government agent for the administration of the Heritage Buildings Policy component of the Treasury Board Policy on the Management of Real Property and the custodian of the largest number of federal heritage buildings. Parks Canada will confirm and monitor the physical condition of all federal buildings in national parks and invest to bring the physical condition of those assets rated “poor” up to at least “fair “condition.
Parks Canada will update the program terms and conditions of the National Historic Sites Cost Sharing Program and make use of the program to address specific conservation issues at threatened national historic sites.
Parks Canada will work with local and Aboriginal communities to develop experience opportunities for current and potential visitors.
Percentage of federal buildings in national parks rated poor whose condition is improved to at least fair.
The National Historic Sites Cost Share Program terms and conditions will be updated by March 2007.
Develop indicators, expectations and protocols to assess visitor satisfaction and connections with Canadian heritage places.
Objective 4.3 Promote a high level of environmental quality in communities
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
4.3.1 Canadian communities are actively engaged in sound environmental and natural resource management practices, stewardship initiatives, and biodiversity conservation.Parks Canada will continue to work in collaboration with provinces and territories to further develop and implement the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada. This includes the adaptive use of heritage resources in ways that contribute to intelligent growth in communities and reduced pressures on landfill sites.
Parks Canada will develop learning opportunities that help bring about a culture of conservation through partnerships, increased understanding of key audiences, and the use of best practices in the areas of environmental education, place-based education and social marketing.
Parks Canada will continue its successful television broadcast partnership with Canadian Geographic magazine through “CG Kids” and to reach children with messages related to the stories of heritage places, ecological and commemorative integrity.
Parks Canada will enhance its efforts to reach school audiences by working with members of the formal education community who influence curriculum and resources development and by providing web-based curriculum-linked learning materials.
Through a collaborative arrangement with Nature Canada, provide learning activities for urban youth at national parks and other venues.
Provide opportunities for storytelling by Aboriginal people at protected heritage areas.
In collaboration with ethno-cultural organizations and stakeholders, provide learning experiences for these new audiences.
Parks Canada-administered communities will have in place inventories of their heritage assets, together with condition ratings, performance targets and priorities; and plans to conserve priority heritage buildings.
In the Parks Canada administered communities of Field and Lake Louise, require leaseholders to develop environmental strategies as part of all redevelopment proposals.
Provide advice, recommendations or certification of interventions to built cultural heritage consistent with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada as opportunity permits.
Encourage the support and involvement of Canadians and stakeholders, and their knowledge and appreciation of Canada’s heritage places.
Develop indicators, expectations and protocols for measuring public appreciation and understanding of Canadians and stakeholders by March 2007.
4.3.2 Risks to human and ecosystem health from harmful substances are reduced (including cleanup of federal contaminated sites)In the National Park communities, provide responsible environmental stewardship, heritage conservation, and efficient and affordable administration.
Develop and implement a contaminated site remediation or risk management plan for all sites.
Meet targets for sewage effluent quality, water conservation, solid waste diversion, management of contaminated sites, and legislated limits to growth in Park communities.
All 24 remaining suspected contaminated sites assessed.
Remediation or risk management action plans prepared for all sites by March 2009.

Goal 5: Sustainable development and use of natural resources

Objective 5.3: Encourage responsible use of natural resources so as to conserve and protects environmental quality
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
5.3.1 Environmentally sustainable use of natural resources is promoted.Parks Canada will provide meaningful opportunities by facilitating experiential connections with Canada’s protected heritage areas.
Parks Canada will develop and deliver educational programming in and around national parks promoting personal discovery of park ecosystems and improved understanding of ecological integrity challenges.
The Agency will adjust its asset base to respond to visitor expectations and to contribute to meaningful visitor experiences.
85 % of visitors are satisfied and 50% are very satisfied with their experience at national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas.
50 % of visitors to national parks and national marine conservation areas and 80 % of visitors to national historic sites participate in learning experiences.
Parks Canada will review and enhance indicators, measurement protocols and targets for all aspects of the planned results and performance expectations by March 2007.

Goal 6: Strengthen federal governance and decision-making to support sustainable development

Objective 6.1: Organizational structures and processes support meaningful and significant development objectives
Government-wide Outcome
Agency or Collaborative Effort
Agency Performance Measure
6.1.1 SDS commitments are integrated into the key planning and reporting processes of departments and agencies.Parks Canada will exercise leadership and work closely with partners to develop the heritage conservation sector in Canada, emphasizing the contribution that heritage can make to the broader sustainable development agenda.
Parks Canada will develop legislative proposals to better protect national historic sites, federal heritage buildings, and archaeological resources under federal jurisdiction.
All Parks Canada management units will produce 5- year business plans to guide resource investment (people and money) at Canada’s protected heritage areas. Financial, ecological and commemorative sustainability are at the core of these plans.
6.1.2 Clear and effective governance mechanisms to integrate sustainable development in decision making100% of materiel managers and procurement personnel take green procurement training3 by 2010.
Sustainable development strategies continue to be integrated into the annual Agency Corporate Plan.
Report annually on the percentage of materiel managers and procurement community train

44 location(s) found
Aulavik National Park of Canada
Over 12,000 km2 of arctic wilderness on Banks Island. 
Auyuittuq National Park of Canada
Baffin Island landscapes containing northern extremity of Canadian Shield. 
Banff National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site and Canada's first National Park of Canada (1885). 
Bruce Peninsula National Park of Canada
Landscapes including the northern end of Niagara Escarpment. 
Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
Home to Cabot Trail, a land blessed with spectacular cliffs. 
Elk Island National Park of Canada
Alberta plains oasis for rare and endangered species. 
Forillon National Park of Canada
The "Jewel of the Gaspé" where land meets sea. 
Fundy National Park of Canada
Atlantic's sanctuary with world's highest tides. 
Georgian Bay Islands National Park of Canada
Captivating islands representing Lake Huron's landscape. 
Glacier National Park of Canada
British Columbia's lush interior rainforest and permanent glaciers. 
Grasslands National Park of Canada
Saskatchewan's rare prairie grasses, dinosaur fossils, and badlands. 
Gros Morne National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site amid Newfoundland's wild natural beauty. 
Gulf Islands National Park Reserve of Canada
An exceptional coastal island landscape in the southern Strait of Georgia. 
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site
Haïda culture and coastal rainforest on Queen Charlotte Islands. 
Ivvavik National Park of Canada
Calving ground for the Porcupine caribou herd. 
Jasper National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site and glacial jewel of the Rockies. 
Kejimkujik National Park of Canada
Nova Scotia's inland of historic canoe routes and portages. 
Kluane National Park and Reserve of Canada
Yukon's UNESCO World Heritage Site contains Canada's highest peak. 
Kootenay National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site featuring the famous Radium Hot Springs. 
Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada
Intricate Acadian blend of coastal and inland habitats. 
La Mauricie National Park of Canada
Lakes winding through forested hills for canoe and portage activities. 
Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of Canada
A string of islands carved out by the sea. 
Mount Revelstoke National Park of Canada
Rainforest of 1,000-year-old cedars and spectacular mountains. 
Nááts'ihch'oh National Park Reserve
Measuring 4,850 square kilometres, Nááts’ihch’oh National Park Reserve adjoins Nahanni National Park Reserve and it touches the Yukon boundary to the West. 
Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
Northwest Territories' UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
Pacific Rim National Park Reserve of Canada
Pacific Coast Mountains make up this marine and forest environment. 
Point Pelee National Park of Canada
Most southern point on Canadian mainland. 
Prince Albert National Park of Canada
Protects slice of northern coniferous forest and wildlife. 
Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada
A protected area with spectacular coast. 
Pukaskwa National Park of Canada
Canadian Shield's ancient landscape on Superior's North Shore. 
Quttinirpaaq National Park of Canada
Most remote, fragile, rugged and northerly lands in North America. 
Riding Mountain National Park of Canada
Protected "island" area in the Manitoba Escarpment. 
Sable Island National Park Reserve of Canada
A wild and windswept island of sand sits far out in the North Atlantic, its iconic crescent shape emerging from the expanse of the sea. Isolated and remote, Sable Island is one of Canada’s furthest offshore islands. 
Sable Island, Nova Scotia
Sirmilik National Park of Canada
Northern Baffin Island landscape containing Eastern Arctic Lowlands and Lancaster Sound. 
St. Lawrence Islands National Park of Canada
Established in 1904. 
Terra Nova National Park of Canada
Remnants of the Eastern Newfoundland Ancient Appalachian Mountains. 
Torngat Mountains National Park of Canada
The spectacular wilderness of this National Park comprises 9,700 km2 of the Northern Labrador Mountains natural region. 
Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
Calving ground for the Bluenose caribou herd. 
Ukkusiksalik National Park of Canada
The place where there is stone that can be used to carve pots and oil lamps 
Vuntut National Park of Canada
Northern Yukon's unique non-glaciated landscape. 
Wapusk National Park of Canada
One of the largest polar bear denning areas in the world. 
Waterton Lakes National Park of Canada
International Peace Park; where the Rocky Mountains meet the prairie. 
Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site larger than Switzerland. 
Yoho National Park of Canada
UNESCO World Heritage Site in Rockies. 


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